Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday June 4, 2006

Cleanse Day 9

Equal half and I went to the tennis courts early this morning. I haven't played tennis in over 10 years and I stank. We also had these ancient tennis racquets - over 20 years old. Equal half took the 2 older kids back again while I stayed home and made them breakfast. He said a couple people were laughing at their old racquets.

They look similar to the one above. Maybe I could make them into a clock or sell them on e-bay. I wonder if they are worth something.

Needless to say we got some new ones.

Not much else to report. I'm sure I'm cleansing big time as much as I brush and scrape my tongue I'm being told that I still smell funny.

Energy level is good, but got very tired and needed to lie down after noon.

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