Friday June 23, 2006
Day 28
Today I decided to get back to eating. I'm on day 2 of Aunt Flo and a bit moody. I also got my test results back and they were 10% higher than my home test, so I'm a bit depressed. The "nibbling" on some of the raw things I"ve been making surely caused a rise in my cholesterol. Had I been "nibbling" on fruit and non-fat things I truly know there would have been a lower reading.
Next weekend is the family conference then my mom is coming for a visit - I think after that I will concentrate hard on a very low fat diet and check my results. Meanwhile, I will try to do all fruit until night time and then allow myself moderate fat at night so I can transition in.
I need to get a lot more serious than this - I can't follow in my relatives foot steps!!!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Tuesday June 20, 2006
Cleanse day 25
Ah it's been a while since my last entry. Still on this blasted cleanse, but taking a nibble here and there of my recipe making. 5 more days to go. I just keep drinking my juice, water, broth and tea, and a honey stick now and then.
I took my cholesterol on my home monitor this morning and it registered at 243. I was hoping it would be lower since I'm fasting, but I haven't really been exercising. Then I went to get the full blood lab cholesterol test and I will soon find out just how accurate my home test is.
When I got back from the vision was all screwed up. It was like I was looking through water. At first I thought it was because I just had water to drink for over 12 hours because of the blood test, but I realized later that I'd had that before my period a year or two ago. Equal Half made me some orange juce and told me to lie down and it went away pretty quickly. Then I got a mild headache so I chalked it up to PMS coupled with a hefty dose of detox.
I had some horrible cramps this morning. Bowled over crying and all. So it makes me wonder if my cholesterol is higher due to hormones, and Equal Half and I discussed taking my results on the last day of this cleanse, after my period is hopefully over. No sign of the period, and I don't know when it'll come since I'm mainly taking in liquids.
Oh, I just whipped up some of Anna's Happy Cow Burgers, from I tried a small piece out of the dehydrator now and I can't believe how good they are. I usually don't like that kind of stuff, the nut heavy things much, but I had a feeling that most of her food is really good! I copied almost every recipe out of there and stuck it in my raw notebook of recipes. I cannot wait to eat a whole portion of those burgers with lettuce, onions and even a slice of tomato and the cucumber sauce she raves about. It all sounds so good to me right now!
We went to Taekwondo tonight but I was so tired and lethargic, absolutely no energy and felt so draggy. Not sure if it's this wretched heat or what. The days have been just gorgeous much lovelier now than it was last year this time!
I finally have more control of my pictures here, so tomorrow I'll be able to put in a few photos. I'm excited about this because usually I have to ask Equal Half to resize and send me everything, which is a hassle for him no doubt!
Cleanse day 25
Ah it's been a while since my last entry. Still on this blasted cleanse, but taking a nibble here and there of my recipe making. 5 more days to go. I just keep drinking my juice, water, broth and tea, and a honey stick now and then.
I took my cholesterol on my home monitor this morning and it registered at 243. I was hoping it would be lower since I'm fasting, but I haven't really been exercising. Then I went to get the full blood lab cholesterol test and I will soon find out just how accurate my home test is.
When I got back from the vision was all screwed up. It was like I was looking through water. At first I thought it was because I just had water to drink for over 12 hours because of the blood test, but I realized later that I'd had that before my period a year or two ago. Equal Half made me some orange juce and told me to lie down and it went away pretty quickly. Then I got a mild headache so I chalked it up to PMS coupled with a hefty dose of detox.
I had some horrible cramps this morning. Bowled over crying and all. So it makes me wonder if my cholesterol is higher due to hormones, and Equal Half and I discussed taking my results on the last day of this cleanse, after my period is hopefully over. No sign of the period, and I don't know when it'll come since I'm mainly taking in liquids.
Oh, I just whipped up some of Anna's Happy Cow Burgers, from I tried a small piece out of the dehydrator now and I can't believe how good they are. I usually don't like that kind of stuff, the nut heavy things much, but I had a feeling that most of her food is really good! I copied almost every recipe out of there and stuck it in my raw notebook of recipes. I cannot wait to eat a whole portion of those burgers with lettuce, onions and even a slice of tomato and the cucumber sauce she raves about. It all sounds so good to me right now!
We went to Taekwondo tonight but I was so tired and lethargic, absolutely no energy and felt so draggy. Not sure if it's this wretched heat or what. The days have been just gorgeous much lovelier now than it was last year this time!
I finally have more control of my pictures here, so tomorrow I'll be able to put in a few photos. I'm excited about this because usually I have to ask Equal Half to resize and send me everything, which is a hassle for him no doubt!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Thursday June 15, 2006
Cleanse day 20
I miscalculated and thought I was on day 19 - I've been losing track of time. This is good, that means only 10 days left. Can hardly believe I'm two-thirds of the way through this thing!
Although a few boo-boos along the way, had a few licks of stuff here and there to taste what I was preparing for my raw friend. I have vowed to stop as I'm getting my cholesterol checked on the 20th and I don't want to take in anything but liquid, even in the form of a lick!
Anyway, this is what I made her last week for her raw food service
Carmelized onion and spinach quiche with a buckwheat walnut crust
Zucchini noodles with marinated vegetables and garlic bread
Israeli salad
Almond Raspberry thumbprint cookies
Carrot cake with creamy lemon frosting
She said she loved everything and is looking forward to the next pick-up. However, I am going to have to use a lot of restaint, and hopefully everything will come out tasty even though I can't taste it.
Yesterday equal-half and I saw "The Break Up" which was a pretty good movie, but kind of sad. He was very sweet and thoughtful because he was concerned about eating popcorn in front of me while I was fasting. I told him to go ahead though. Should have fed him lunch before because that stuff is such a rip-off at the theatre.
Cleanse day 20
I miscalculated and thought I was on day 19 - I've been losing track of time. This is good, that means only 10 days left. Can hardly believe I'm two-thirds of the way through this thing!
Although a few boo-boos along the way, had a few licks of stuff here and there to taste what I was preparing for my raw friend. I have vowed to stop as I'm getting my cholesterol checked on the 20th and I don't want to take in anything but liquid, even in the form of a lick!
Anyway, this is what I made her last week for her raw food service
Carmelized onion and spinach quiche with a buckwheat walnut crust
Zucchini noodles with marinated vegetables and garlic bread
Israeli salad
Almond Raspberry thumbprint cookies
Carrot cake with creamy lemon frosting
She said she loved everything and is looking forward to the next pick-up. However, I am going to have to use a lot of restaint, and hopefully everything will come out tasty even though I can't taste it.
Yesterday equal-half and I saw "The Break Up" which was a pretty good movie, but kind of sad. He was very sweet and thoughtful because he was concerned about eating popcorn in front of me while I was fasting. I told him to go ahead though. Should have fed him lunch before because that stuff is such a rip-off at the theatre.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Wednesday June 14, 2006
Cleanse day 19
Left out quite a few days as I haven't found a moment to write. The kids started their day camp and I'm looking forward to going to Glen Eyrie for a weekend which has a beautiful old castle that a king built for his queen. It is a family conference and they have said they would accommodate me with my dietary needs so I told them huge salads with lots of fruit and nothing cooked or processed. I will be off my cleanse by then and am planning to bring some back up food just in case.
Glen Eyrie is where the kids have been going to camp. This morning when I dropped them off we passed by a beautiful herd of bighorn sheep. I mean they were grazing about 10 feet away from the car! The grounds are just gorgeous and it is so peaceful. We've hiked there before and had a mini tour around the castle. It is just breathtaking.
I've come up with a great V-8 substitute. I was in the store and grabbed a jar of V-8 and headed over to produce to pick up all the ingredients on the label. I made it once on Monday and it was a bit more V-8 tasting than the one I made today. I can't get over how a tiny slice of beet in relation to everything else I've stuffed in the blender can still cause the drink to get so purple! Oh, and I have to blend it all since the Breville really doesn't do greens well. Perhaps I will try using my juicer again, though, because it is sort of a pain to strain it all.
I also made some cinnamon raisin toast and gave a slice to Darryl with almond butter and honey on top. He said it was really good, but he probably wouldn't like it so much plain. It isn't meant to be eaten plain, though. It is meant to be used with sweet topping or *as* a topping, like crumbled over banana ice cream or fruit!
Cleanse day 19
Left out quite a few days as I haven't found a moment to write. The kids started their day camp and I'm looking forward to going to Glen Eyrie for a weekend which has a beautiful old castle that a king built for his queen. It is a family conference and they have said they would accommodate me with my dietary needs so I told them huge salads with lots of fruit and nothing cooked or processed. I will be off my cleanse by then and am planning to bring some back up food just in case.
Glen Eyrie is where the kids have been going to camp. This morning when I dropped them off we passed by a beautiful herd of bighorn sheep. I mean they were grazing about 10 feet away from the car! The grounds are just gorgeous and it is so peaceful. We've hiked there before and had a mini tour around the castle. It is just breathtaking.
I've come up with a great V-8 substitute. I was in the store and grabbed a jar of V-8 and headed over to produce to pick up all the ingredients on the label. I made it once on Monday and it was a bit more V-8 tasting than the one I made today. I can't get over how a tiny slice of beet in relation to everything else I've stuffed in the blender can still cause the drink to get so purple! Oh, and I have to blend it all since the Breville really doesn't do greens well. Perhaps I will try using my juicer again, though, because it is sort of a pain to strain it all.
I also made some cinnamon raisin toast and gave a slice to Darryl with almond butter and honey on top. He said it was really good, but he probably wouldn't like it so much plain. It isn't meant to be eaten plain, though. It is meant to be used with sweet topping or *as* a topping, like crumbled over banana ice cream or fruit!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Saturday June 10, 2006
Cleanse day 15
I'm almost half-way through this cleanse, I cannot believe it.
I am feeling fine, a little emotional today though. They are having some health checks through my church which I'm going to sign up for. Some arterial and bone density tests. I'm happy to be able to cancel the CAT scan I reserved - now I won't get radiated.
A friend from TKD decided to do a juice fast and we've been chatting a lot lately. Hopefully I've been a source of encouragement to her. She wants to lose weight but I'm hoping she'll see improvements in other health areas that she might have concerns with.
I had a gift certificate to Amazon so I got a really nice wide ceramic peeler. It is called a Kyocera Mega Peeler. I cannot wait to use it.
Cleanse day 15
I'm almost half-way through this cleanse, I cannot believe it.
I am feeling fine, a little emotional today though. They are having some health checks through my church which I'm going to sign up for. Some arterial and bone density tests. I'm happy to be able to cancel the CAT scan I reserved - now I won't get radiated.
A friend from TKD decided to do a juice fast and we've been chatting a lot lately. Hopefully I've been a source of encouragement to her. She wants to lose weight but I'm hoping she'll see improvements in other health areas that she might have concerns with.
I had a gift certificate to Amazon so I got a really nice wide ceramic peeler. It is called a Kyocera Mega Peeler. I cannot wait to use it.

Thursday, June 08, 2006
Recaps! Recaps!
For some reason today I have a lot of energy. I missed the last two days so here's some recaps:
Tuesday June 6, 2006
Cleanse day11
Today was alright but then I got very very stressed and emotional when I found out that I had to get a physician to sign off on the kids' day camp forms. They don't have a physician out here, and no insurance and their shots weren't kept up, not that I care because I am not for immunization, but a bit on the fence because I don't know or not if it will possibly protect them.
On top of that, they sent me the forms so late, only a few days before the kids start, and on the forms it specified that it had to be sent in at least 2 weeks prior to the start date! So I was kind of freaking out.
I got so stressed out and was in a I-don't-know-what-to-do mode, kind of broke down and wanted something, so I had some almond breeze.
Wednesday June 7, 2006
Cleanse day 12
Next day I went after more almond breeze like a dummy. However I was more ready to tackle the kids' physician issue.
However, I called the 444-CARE line and talked to a nurse. She referred me to a doctor's office for a low price so we got them in to be seen and have their camp forms signed. They ended up seeing a student which was fine with me.
Practiced TKD forms on the deck with the family.
Had some veggie broth, then later at night chewed on a lot of honey comb.
Thursday June 8, 2006
Cleanse day 13
Woke up early feeling like a brick hit me - we went to the tennis courts at 7:00 and I had some carrot-apple juice before hand which I forced down because it was so sweet. Wasn't in the mood to play tennis but felt really great after we were done.
On the way to the courts we saw a dead deer on the grass near the road. It was so sad. People just drive way too fast on the street here, and it is hard to see the deer since their coloring tends to fade into the background. Adam said he was a little baby bunny rabbit curled up dead being picked on by a mean 'ol magpie. Even though it is the circle of life, it is still sad when we see these things!
For some reason today I have a lot of energy. I missed the last two days so here's some recaps:
Tuesday June 6, 2006
Cleanse day11
Today was alright but then I got very very stressed and emotional when I found out that I had to get a physician to sign off on the kids' day camp forms. They don't have a physician out here, and no insurance and their shots weren't kept up, not that I care because I am not for immunization, but a bit on the fence because I don't know or not if it will possibly protect them.
On top of that, they sent me the forms so late, only a few days before the kids start, and on the forms it specified that it had to be sent in at least 2 weeks prior to the start date! So I was kind of freaking out.
I got so stressed out and was in a I-don't-know-what-to-do mode, kind of broke down and wanted something, so I had some almond breeze.
Wednesday June 7, 2006
Cleanse day 12
Next day I went after more almond breeze like a dummy. However I was more ready to tackle the kids' physician issue.
However, I called the 444-CARE line and talked to a nurse. She referred me to a doctor's office for a low price so we got them in to be seen and have their camp forms signed. They ended up seeing a student which was fine with me.
Practiced TKD forms on the deck with the family.
Had some veggie broth, then later at night chewed on a lot of honey comb.
Thursday June 8, 2006
Cleanse day 13
Woke up early feeling like a brick hit me - we went to the tennis courts at 7:00 and I had some carrot-apple juice before hand which I forced down because it was so sweet. Wasn't in the mood to play tennis but felt really great after we were done.
On the way to the courts we saw a dead deer on the grass near the road. It was so sad. People just drive way too fast on the street here, and it is hard to see the deer since their coloring tends to fade into the background. Adam said he was a little baby bunny rabbit curled up dead being picked on by a mean 'ol magpie. Even though it is the circle of life, it is still sad when we see these things!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Monday June 5, 2006
Cleanse day 10
Emotional rollercoaster!
Had a good and scary day. Couldn't get in touch with Equal half so I thought something bad happened to him on the freeway back from the Denver airport. He finally came home, thank the Lord, and his phone had been on vibrate.
Intense emotions I'm having! I'm glad that I am on this fast so I am not stuffing my emotions with food.
Had orange juice, honey and the water from 2 young coconuts today. I can't get enough of that coconut water.
I made up some quiche tartlets with these cool new Wilton tartlet pans I picked up at Bed Bath & Beyond. They have removable bottoms. I'm excited to be making some individual tarts and quiches so there's no waste.

So tonight I made the Buckwheat Walnut tart shells which I will freeze for later. I don't know if it is because I'm fasting, but I'm having a lot of fun in the kitchen!
Once I get enough pulp saved, I'll be doing the carrot cake. It should not take long as we get about 3-4 cups of the stuff every time.
Cleanse day 10
Emotional rollercoaster!
Had a good and scary day. Couldn't get in touch with Equal half so I thought something bad happened to him on the freeway back from the Denver airport. He finally came home, thank the Lord, and his phone had been on vibrate.
Intense emotions I'm having! I'm glad that I am on this fast so I am not stuffing my emotions with food.
Had orange juice, honey and the water from 2 young coconuts today. I can't get enough of that coconut water.
I made up some quiche tartlets with these cool new Wilton tartlet pans I picked up at Bed Bath & Beyond. They have removable bottoms. I'm excited to be making some individual tarts and quiches so there's no waste.

So tonight I made the Buckwheat Walnut tart shells which I will freeze for later. I don't know if it is because I'm fasting, but I'm having a lot of fun in the kitchen!
Once I get enough pulp saved, I'll be doing the carrot cake. It should not take long as we get about 3-4 cups of the stuff every time.
Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday June 4, 2006
Cleanse Day 9
Equal half and I went to the tennis courts early this morning. I haven't played tennis in over 10 years and I stank. We also had these ancient tennis racquets - over 20 years old. Equal half took the 2 older kids back again while I stayed home and made them breakfast. He said a couple people were laughing at their old racquets.
They look similar to the one above. Maybe I could make them into a clock or sell them on e-bay. I wonder if they are worth something.
Needless to say we got some new ones.
Not much else to report. I'm sure I'm cleansing big time as much as I brush and scrape my tongue I'm being told that I still smell funny.
Energy level is good, but got very tired and needed to lie down after noon.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Saturday June 3, 2006
Cleanse day 8
This morning I made some of the BBQ chicken fingers from Living on Live Food by Alissa Cohen. I already had the main ingredients and no nuts involved, so I figured I'd start making some stuff for when I come off this fast. The only problem is it called for olive oil and my olive oil is not light tasting and tends to make everything else heavy tasting with a funny taste. So hopefully they will come out okay, I will have to have equal half taste test them for me.

They are in the dehydrator - will have to remember to take a snapshot of them when they come out. The photos in her book look like real chicken fingers, and they looked that way when I shaped them. I did a couple different things to them like used leftover carrot pulp, a little nutritional yeast and a couple tablespoons flax seed to help them hold together.
There are some other recipes that I really want to try out, esp. from Living Cuisine by Renee Underkoffler. I wish there were pictures in this book, but just reading the recipes makes me salivate. I've tagged many pages so far and will be halving them to try them out.
Cleanse day 8
This morning I made some of the BBQ chicken fingers from Living on Live Food by Alissa Cohen. I already had the main ingredients and no nuts involved, so I figured I'd start making some stuff for when I come off this fast. The only problem is it called for olive oil and my olive oil is not light tasting and tends to make everything else heavy tasting with a funny taste. So hopefully they will come out okay, I will have to have equal half taste test them for me.

They are in the dehydrator - will have to remember to take a snapshot of them when they come out. The photos in her book look like real chicken fingers, and they looked that way when I shaped them. I did a couple different things to them like used leftover carrot pulp, a little nutritional yeast and a couple tablespoons flax seed to help them hold together.
There are some other recipes that I really want to try out, esp. from Living Cuisine by Renee Underkoffler. I wish there were pictures in this book, but just reading the recipes makes me salivate. I've tagged many pages so far and will be halving them to try them out.
This morning I had my regular carrot-apple juice and orange juice. Pretty boring, ha? Last night I was having some salt cravings. Was in the mood for some vegetable broth so I may indulge.
Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday June 2, 2006
Cleanse day 7
It is so very incredible how on a fast or cleanse one day can be so completely different from another. Today I feel lots of energy.
Had 2 more coconut waters, some carrot-apple juice, orange juice, lots of water and some honey sticks.
Went to TKD and had plenty of energy.
Thursday June 1, 2006
Cleanse day 6
Today I was so tired, lethargic, lightheaded, weak - just felt so draggy. Had some wonderful OJ in the morning and my carrot-apple juice.
Cut into a young coco for the water. I managed to scoop out the flesh in one fell swoop - cut into thin strips for noodles and froze it for later. Looking forward to making some yummy fresh live Pad Thai after the fast is over. After drinking the coco water which was absolutely delish by the way, I felt flushed like I'd taken a niacin pill. Strange.

Just felt too weak and out of it to do any type of activity so I was going to come along and watch the fam at Taekwondo.
I drove the fam to Taekwondo, having an emaciated feeling like my bones were protruding or something, then got very dizzy lightheaded and felt like I was outside of myself which turned into a mini panic attack.
I said to Equal Half "Quick - hand me a honey stick!" and felt a lot better after that.
Then Equal half realized he'd left all the TKD gear at home so I dropped them off and had to get back on the fwy 2 more times. Had another mini panick attack on the way home so I called a friend so I could chat with her to keep my mind off of it on the way back to the studio.
Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow!
Cleanse day 6
Today I was so tired, lethargic, lightheaded, weak - just felt so draggy. Had some wonderful OJ in the morning and my carrot-apple juice.
Cut into a young coco for the water. I managed to scoop out the flesh in one fell swoop - cut into thin strips for noodles and froze it for later. Looking forward to making some yummy fresh live Pad Thai after the fast is over. After drinking the coco water which was absolutely delish by the way, I felt flushed like I'd taken a niacin pill. Strange.

Just felt too weak and out of it to do any type of activity so I was going to come along and watch the fam at Taekwondo.
I drove the fam to Taekwondo, having an emaciated feeling like my bones were protruding or something, then got very dizzy lightheaded and felt like I was outside of myself which turned into a mini panic attack.
I said to Equal Half "Quick - hand me a honey stick!" and felt a lot better after that.
Then Equal half realized he'd left all the TKD gear at home so I dropped them off and had to get back on the fwy 2 more times. Had another mini panick attack on the way home so I called a friend so I could chat with her to keep my mind off of it on the way back to the studio.
Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow!
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