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We had a huge snow storm just a couple of days ago. I woke up to a snow covered view outside my window. It continued to snow all day long. And we couldn't leave the house as the snow was just too deep for our little car.
I think in my SAD (Standard American Diet) days had we run out of bread or an animal product like milk there might have been panic.
Oh no, there's no milk, there's no bread, whatever will do? I can just imagine being the thought of concern.
Even though the family is not totally vegetarian like myself, they are accustomed to having fruit meals and many vegetarian meals, that running out of something like that is no big deal. In fact, creativity occurs at a higher rate when there is a limited selection of food in the house.
My son put a large bowl outside and collected some fresh snow. We had some great snow cones with strawberry sauce. Made me think of the saying - "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"... so when life gave us snow, we made snow cones!
The next day it was 68 degrees F again and most of it melted off. The kids had a blast sledding and making snow people on the rooftop.
The moral of all this is, don't only make the best of what you have, but have fun with it. I think people often feel like they are "settling"with what they have been "given". We create our own environment, really, so have a blast and enjoy life, whether you've been given lemons or snow.
A life of abundance is possible in any circumstance. Who is to say a family living on the street feels any less abundant than a family living in a Bel Air mansion?
It is all in the perception of how fulfilled and thankful you are, not what you've been given.
My husband informed me that the State of Colorado can now sell local spinach.
Now that it is available, I'm not prepared to purchase it as I have so many other greens! That is the good that has come out of this whole fiasco - I bought tons of parsley, green leaf lettuce, bok choy, kale, collards, etc.
I think I was over-dependant on spinach. I would buy it in little organic bags, and it was so easy to throw into a smoothie, and so mild tasting I hardly knew it was in there.
It is tragic that so many people got sick and even died from this. Fortunately I was only inconvenienced by it, but from the inconvience I upped my green variety in my diet.
For the last few years I have learned to discover the good outcome in something that seems so terrible at first.
We wouldn't be on this beautiful piece of land in the foothills if we hadn't lost our home.
We wouldn't be living in this gorgeous city if my husband had not have been laid off 3 years ago.
If I didn't have high cholesterol, I never would have done so much research on health and healing.
If things weren't so tight financially for us, my recipes would still be sitting in a notebook gathering dust on a shelf.
If I didn't do mindless and selfish things, by golly, I'd still be doing them and never learn from my mistakes!
Sometimes it takes something stressful, painful, scary and freaky to happen in our lives in order to have something wonderful and beautiful happen. I believe it's all in the Lord's plan, and His timing in our lives.
Salads and salad dressings -
Now how good does this look?
It probably took me 5 minutes to throw together.
It is important to have things ready, like greens washed, onions already cut and bagged, etc. the avocado of course needs to be cut fresh, but most of the fixings can be pre-cut and stored ahead of time.
It just makes it a lot easier to put a nice salad together.
The only "unraw" thing here is the dressing - in a hurry I used Annie's Goddess dressing - now I normally don't do this.
Often people ask "what can I use for salad dressing?". It is so very easy to get in that mindset of having to eat bottled dressing, for whatever reason. What most people don't realize is that the best dressings out there are usually the simplest to make.
Some folks need to slowly get away from the idea that their greens and veggies need to be drowned with a fatty, rich blanket of sauce.
Dressing is really easy to make - The very easiest one was squeezing the juice of an orange over my salad - look out for the seeds - that's it!
Other ways to make dressing is a simple oil and vinegar dressing - just a slight drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a splash of vinegar.
If you don't want to use oil and vinegar here is a really great one - avocado and orange juice.
Dr. Doug Graham has often discussed using a natural fat and a natural acid, meaning instead of using oil which is a concentrated fat, you would use avocado, or nuts, or olive as the fat.
And then instead of the vinegar you use an acid straight from the tree, such as lemon, orange, lime, tomato, etc.
So here are some great combinations:
+ Avocado -and- lemon or lime or orange juice or tomato, etc.
+ Soaked cashews -and- lemon or lime or orange juice or tomato, etc.
+ Almond or tahini butter -and- lemon or lime or orange juice or tomato, etc.
+ Olives -and- lemon or lime or orange juice or tomato, etc.
Now you may be thinking - that sounds booooring. Well, no it isn't at all. Because every combination is very different from the other. If you use a different combination each time the varieties will seem endless!
And if you are just starting out on raw foods, and not ready for the straight-forward flavor of simple combinations, then go ahead and add a little of this and that to it to give it more zip:
~ Fresh garlic or garlic powder
~ Fresh onion or onion powder
~ Dill
~ Basil
~ Oregano
~ Mint
~ Poppy Seeds
~ Sea Salt & Pepper
~ Honey or Agave nectar
~ Soaked sun dried tomatoes
~ Ginger
Anything that looks good.
Now the very best thing I've found to mix up a small amount of dressing is a Magic Bullet. There are many other personal size blenders around, but I like this one the best as it comes with a number of containers, solid lids and lids with holes, and two different blades. I don't use the blender or juicer but who knows, maybe one day I might.
Another tip I have for salads is to get the leaves washed right away, and keep them in plastic bags so it is easy to put them together. This is a huge time saver. I cannot fathom how much lettuce I've let go bad because I was too lazy to fuss around with washing. So then I would buy the pre-packaged, pre-washed lettuces, and now they are all supposedly not recommended for eating (talking about the big E-coli scare in the news) - besides the loose heads of lettuce just taste fresher than the packaged kind.
Happy Eating!
Looks like I have elephant skin!
This morning I had my regular carrot-apple juice and orange juice. Pretty boring, ha? Last night I was having some salt cravings. Was in the mood for some vegetable broth so I may indulge.
I had a surge of energy when I was making dinner for my family for Israeli night which was huge baked potatoes, Israeli salad and Yemenite pancake bread. Equal half says that everything tastes better when I'm on a fast, LOL.
I ran around a bit but then I crashed and had my sun tea. I just don't think I can over-exert myself.