I've been bit by the organizing bug! I was going through some of old family photos and came across some that were really cute and gave me warm & fuzzy memories.
When I was at the Dollar Tree - I found these nice, basic black 4 x 6 frames. The perfect place for small frames is a small wall. If you group the pictures together the right way, you could use a larger wall, so it depends on how they are arranged.
I almost put them up in my office which has a couple of large bare walls, but those walls were way too large for them. I either need a grouping of larger photos (8 x 10 or bigger) or a super large framed artwork for my big walls. I found this little bare spot between two doors and thought it would be perfect for a vertical gallery with these small 4 x 6 frames.
I used to think the Dollar Tree was a crappy little store, but I can spend hours in there. Especially for organizing - love all the bins and caddies that they have - and many times they are packaged in 2-3 pieces so you are getting a great deal!