It has come to my attention, as it does every year, that many people on a raw or vegan diet are now cringing about going to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. And many people hosting traditional Thanksgiving dinners are now cringing about having to prepare something for the vegan or raw foodist coming to your dinner.
Firstly, let us all remember what this holiday represents.
We give thanks for the freedoms that our forefathers worked so hard at attaining.
We also give thanks for everything we've been blessed with and those we love and cherish.
We also give thanks for having food on the table.
Are we specific about the kind of food? No, we are just thankful that we have food to eat!
So here are a few words of advice to the host/ess:
1) Please don't feel offended if one of your guests won't eat the food you've worked so hard at preparing.
2) There is no need to ask why they are eating this way, where do they get their protein or calcium, or pressure the person not wanting the food. Maybe they don't care for the food, maybe they have an allergy, or maybe there's a health reason behind it, but don't allow it to bother you!
3) Be sure to offer fresh food, at least a nice green salad with fresh vegetables (things like croutons, meats and cheese would be better on the side), and at least some fresh fruit. This way everyone at the table can enjoy the food.
4) There's no need to obsess over a guest who might look like they are not eating enough. Trust me, it is much more uncomfortable for the guest who is made the center of attention because their eating choices are different from everyone else's.
And here are a few words of advice to guests:
1) Ahead of time, casually let the host/ess know you eat mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. The word "raw" confuses most people and the host/ess may try to make some kind of elaborate raw dish which may not go over well.
2) Offer to bring a big salad or a fruit plate to share.
3) Do not make comments about how unhealthy everyone else's food is.
4) If someone asks you the protein question, Dr. Doug Graham suggests just telling them you feel great and you really never thought about it. The last thing you want to do is get into a big debate. If you get questioned a lot let them know you'd love to talk about it later.
Above all, just enjoy one another. When everyone is happy and relaxed the tension will be eased all around.
Happy Thanksgiving!